What does the ozarks film foundry do?

We believe that building a strong film economy and film culture in the Ozarks will greatly improve the quality of life for every Ozarkian.
We connect filmmakers with the resources they need to be successful in their careers or projects. We do this by providing services such as: professional training, opportunities to network with other filmmakers, and industry-standard resources. We also provide programming for the general public in order to connect them with the cinematic arts, and work to connect those that want to see a strong film economy develop in the Ozarks. We strive to create a professional environment for all filmmakers in the Ozarks.

Our motto
We strive to help the filmmaking industry in the Ozarks by following the motto of the organization:
SERVE: We are here to SERVE the film community in SW Missouri.
CONNECT: We are here CONNECT the film industry together with the broader community.
BUILD: We are here to BUILD film infrastructure by bringing industry-standard resources to the area.
EDUCATE: We are here to EDUCATE filmmakers with the skills they need to be successful.
Established May 2022​
Started at our current location, also known as "The Foundry"
Started programming in January 2023
Received official 501(c)3 status in October 2023
First Ozarks Film Summit in June 2024
Currently working with key organizations in the area to help our efforts
Help connect local filmmakers together at our events.​
Help ensure that events and locations run smoothly and provide the best experience for our guests.
Fulfill our Motto of Serve, Connect, Build, and Educate.
Team Leads: For those who want to be in charge of locations and managing the volunteers there.​
Outreach Event Volunteers: To help manage booths or a TOFF presence at events hosted by other organizations.
Event Volunteers: To help with events held by our organization.
Schedulers: Help set up guests for events and podcasts.
Fundraisers: Assist with fundraising efforts, grant writing, etc.
Participants: To help raise our numbers at our events to help gain more attendees in the future.
Workshop Assistant: Assist with running workshops on premises at the Foundry.
Builders: Manage building and maintaining sets in the media production lab.
Data Entry: Assist with managing data for the Film Office, CRM, etc.
Festival Volunteers: Help run our festival events.
Connectors: Attend events (mainly socials and mixers) and help greet and connect those who attend.
Attend volunteer training at least 1 time per year. They are done monthly and are always being updated with new information. ​
Understand the Safety and Reporting requirements.
Sign the volunteer agreement.
Take a tour of our facilities.
Sign up for any software programs that you are required to be a part of.